The African Union Commission and the American Bar Association with support from the Government of the United States of America are implementing a capacity strengthening program on rule of law. The goal of the program is to strengthen AUC capacity to advise on issues of governance, transnational crime, and peace and security, to propose effective approaches to advancing these AU priorities, and to successfully oversee and implement mechanisms addressing these issues. As part of this program, training, mentorship, capacity building, material support and skills development will be provided to the staff of the AU.
Scope of work
The African Union Commission and the American Bar Association seek to engage an expert to facilitate training of staff of the African Union on the law of treaties. The selected expert will design and administer online training for staff of the AU in specific topics related to the law of treaties to include but not limited to the following: definitions, reservations, interpretations, amendments, invalidity and depository, succession to treaties, dispute resolution, international organisations and final clauses.
The specific deliverables include the following: -
Develop curriculum for a knowledge and skills training of AUC staff in the law of treaties including the topics highlighted above;
Conduct knowledge and skills trainings for up AUC staff to strengthen their capacity in the law of treaties;
Develop reference and guidance materials, manuals and forms for AUC staff to consult and learn about additional sources of information that can facilitate their work.
The training will be participatory in nature, incorporating practical application of skills that are directly relevant to the AU operations and discussion of case studies. The training will be designed to suit a mixed audience including youth and older participants as well as more knowledgeable and less experienced staff.
The expert will be expected to research and incorporate both international and context specific examples in the training.
Experience required: Expert in The Law of Treaties Training
At least 10 years’ relevant experience in curriculum development and training in international law/ public international law and the law on treaties.
The expert will have experience working with international organizations and regional bodies and have a strong understanding of regional contexts
A record of knowledge and expertise in international treaties/agreements and cross border cooperation
Practical experience and knowledge in the law on treaties and processes treaty negotiation, drafting and conclusion of treaties.
Proposed activity dates and location:
Online training July 2020
How to apply:
Please submit the following to Danielle Schmitz at by 5:00 pm Friday, June 12th:
Motivation letter
Curriculum vitae